After Boleh’s arrival back in the UK in 2008, the Boleh Trust was formed to safeguard the future of Boleh and return her to what she does best: inspiring people through sail training. First, however, she was in need of extensive restoration.
The objective was to return Boleh as near as possible to her original condition and layout. It was recognised, however, that her future training role required some modifications to reflect today’s standards of safety for the young people on board.
Under the tutorship of our shipwrights, local apprentices painstakingly stripped Boleh down to her frames and rebuilt her. By taking part in Boleh’s restoration young people have access to the conservation skills needed to preserve Britain’s maritime heritage.
Much of Boleh’s restoration was carried out by experienced shipwrights using both traditional skills and materials, this work was supported by 4 apprentices, you can see their blogs here.
With the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund, the restoration programme was completed in the summer of 2015. The major work was undertaken in seven steps and each are available to view below.
Boleh arriving for restoration

Apprentice first day