
Angels back onboard Boleh!

We are absolutely delighted that Roger Angel's granddaughter, Naomi, was able to visit Boleh recently. Roger rescued and restored Boleh in the early 1980's after she had been severely damaged…
O2C Admin
16th September 2015

Boleh gets her sea legs!

Boleh is making good progress towards her MCA Category 2 'coding' which will allow her to operate in the English Channel as a sail training vessel with 8 people onboard.…
O2C Admin
2nd September 2015

Boleh Sails in!

Watched by the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Councillor Frank Jonas, and a host of supporters and well wishers Boleh slipped in to Gunwharf Quays to a warm welcome on Thursday…
O2C Admin
8th August 2015

Boleh gets ready to sail West

We are thrilled to report that, after a 7 year restoration in Portsmouth, Boleh is finally back in the water and preparing for her next journey. The picture shows her…
O2C Admin
8th July 2015

Up and Away

Almost exactly 7 years after arriving from Spain, Boleh has flown her nest at 199 Henderson Road. Picture shows Boleh being lifted on to a low loader for the road…
O2C Admin
29th June 2015

Lord Lieutenant visits Boleh Project

The Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, Nigel Atkinson Esq., heard about Boleh's apprentice programme and the work done with Charter Acadmy when he visited Boleh last week. Welcomed by Trustees Sir…
O2C Admin
2nd June 2015

New Trustees for Boleh

We are delighted to announce that the Boleh Trust has three new trustees. Vice Admiral Sir David Steel, a Deputy Lieutenant for Hampshire and recently retired as Second Sea Lord,…
O2C Admin
7th May 2015

Boleh’s Electrifying Progress

The big smiles say it all - success! Boleh shipwright Bob Hunt and marine electrician John Floyd (right) celebrate the conclusion of trials on Boleh's innovative auxiliary propulsion system. The…
O2C Admin
29th April 2015

Boleh’s friends keep coming back

Jason Rankin, our very first Apprentice, helped strip out Boleh under Shipwright Richard Uttley's tutelage in 2008 when the junk yacht first arrived in Portsmouth for restoration. Now Jason, who…
O2C Admin
23rd April 2015