In 1978 Roger Angel rescued the fire ravaged Boleh and restored her, supported by family and friends.  We are happy to report that 3 heroes who helped save Boleh then – Roger’s widow Wendy, Dave Sully and son Adrian – have again been able to sail together in Boleh, for the first time in 30 years.  They were joined by family members, travelling from as far away as Australia and New Zealand.


In thanking the Boleh Trust for this “once in a lifetime experience”, Dave said the memories had made this “an emotional day for all”.  An account of the part played by Wendy (pictured with Dave Sully in the background) and others involved in Boleh’s first restoration is recorded in Dave’s booklet ‘Arising From The Ashes’.  This can be found in the Archive section of the Boleh website – click here to access.